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Health Education
Correspondence Courses

 Course 1 - Introduction To Eating For Health
This course will give you an overview of the basic foods and nutrients, so you can make informed choices about how to support your health by eating correctly.

This course will help you understand briefly what foods can do to support your health and how to plan healthy meals for yourself and your family.

This course is excellent if you are interested in food and health but do not want to take the time to study in depth. It can easily be added to (and forms the basis of) the following courses.
 Course 2 - A Nutrition Certificate Course
     An Indepth Look At Foods & Nutrients for Family Health
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic macronutrients - carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It will provide information on physiology and chemistry, ie. the absorption, metabolism and excretion of the macronutrients. Students will also study specific foods, various food groupings, the effects of processing on foods and their nutrient value. 'Super' foods are included.

To supplement and broaden knowledge in this area, information on a Naturopathic approach to Nutrition has been included as an introduction.

 Course 1 - Introduction To Herbal Medicine
 Course 2 - Herbs for Home Use & First Aid

Dr. Karen E. Bridgman
ND, DBM, Dip Hom, DMH. M.App.Sci. (Social Ecology), M.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D.

For further information on courses, please email us:

Further courses will be added as the need arises.

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